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This is a perennial plant found in the alpine tundra of western North America. They have skinny, olive green leaves about 4 inches long. The flower is small and white with pink veins running through the petal, giving them a pinkish hue. They bloom in mid-summer, and die down shortly after. They resume growing again in the fall. The Pygmy Bitterroot is commonly confused with the Ornamental Onion which has similar leaves and flowers. They thrive in semi-moist to dry soil in mountains above the tree lines.


Pygmy Bitterroot Kyra Florea

Bristlecone Pine Anah Anees

The bristlecone pine lives in the scattered areas of the alpine tundra. The ancient and oldest bristlecone pines are found in the ancient bristlecone forest in white mountains of California. The bristlecone pine is a multi-trunked tree, that has been adapted, gnarled, and twisted by the elements of the earth.  As a survival strategy much of the bark and tissue that conduct water dies back after the tree is damaged by fire, drought or storms. The crown of the bristlecone pine is rounded. The needles are a deep yellow green and have very blunt ends.  

The bear grass plant is, contrary to what you might believe, actually not a grass!  It actually comes from the lily family!  It grows to be about 4.5 feet tall and can also produce flowers that give off a sweet aroma.  It takes about 5 to 7 years for the flower to grow with the ones that are lower positioned  being the ones that grow first.  Found in the open forests and meadows lower alpine elevations in the western united states, they can commonly be found under the Larix Lyallii and Pinus Albicaulis .  Fire resistant (not fireproof) the bear grass is known to be the first plant that will grow back after a fire in these areas though if the fire is an extended one they will not be able to grow back in the timely manner they normally do.

Bear Grass Michael Rhodenbaugh

The Wild Potato Jared Myers

The wild potato is a relative of the cultivated potato which has 199 species. The wild potato is found in area much too cold for other crops like wheat which is why it was worshiped by the Incan  people, who lived right next to mountains. The wild potato is a part of the Nightshade family. The roots of the potato can range from 2-8 feet long. The wild potato has a very thin skin but is very nutritious potato with starch, protein, vitamins, and minerals make up the rest of the potato. The potato is very popular in many areas due to its hardiness but is becoming an endangered species.    




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